School Uniform

NURSERY to UKG Frock, Monogram on the left side of the frock. Socks (navy blue with lemon yellow double bands), White socks and shoes for games. Shorts & Shirt. Monogram on the pocket for boys.
Socks (navy blue with lemon yellow double bands)
White socks and shoes for games.
STD I to IV Pista green Tunic and light lemon yellow half shirt Socks (shade no. 04 lemon yellow with military green double stripes)
House coloured T-Shirt for PT – white socks and white shoes for PT
Pista green shorts and light lemon yellow half shirt,
socks (shade no. 04 lemon yellow with military green double stripes)
House coloured T-Shirt for PT White socks and white shoes for PT
STD V to X Pista green Tunic and light lemon yellow half shirt Socks (shade no. 04 lemon yellow with military green double stripes)
House coloured T-Shirt for PT White socks and white shoes for PT
Pista green full double pleated pant and light lemon yellow half shirt,
(shade no. 04),
Socks (shade no. 04 lemon yellow with military green double stripes)
House coloured T-Shirt for PT White socks and white shoes for PT
STD XI to XII Pista green skirt (single pleated) with sleeveless jacket, half sleeved checkered Light green shirt
Socks – white with two bottle green bands.
Pista green double pleated trousers half sleeved checkered Light green shirt
Socks – white with two bottle green bands.T

Winter uniform (from 1st December): Subject to changes

Nursery to UKG – Navy Blue Sweat Jacket

Boys/ Girls – Navy Blue full pant (trouser)

Std 1 to Std. 7

Navy Blue Sweater (V-Neck) with off-white bands.

Tie – Bottle green with yellow diagonal double stripes. Boys (trouser), Girls (black stockings), no pyjamas will be allowed.

Std. 8 to Std. 12

Navy Blue Blazer, Tie – Bottle green with yellow diagonal double stripes.

Std. 1 to Std. 12 – School belt.

Std. 1 to Std. 12 – School Tie to be worn from 1st Dec till the end of the academic session.


1. On all school days and functions ,students are expected to wear school Trousers should be stitched with double pleats. Tight trousers will not be allowed.

2. Cleanliness of dress is absolutely essential. Students should come in washed,clean and pressed Students who come untidily to school will be sent back home.

3. No fancy ornaments and styles are

4. We expect boys to have short hair, decent hairstyle with hairline well above the shirt collar and a clean shaven face.

5. School students ID card is mandatory. Recent stamp size photograph of the ward in School uniform needs to be submitted in the school office with the ID card filled in